Gym Equipment
Bumper Plates
Bars & Benches
Kettle Bells
Medicine Balls
Assault Bikes
Squat Racks
Storage Racks
Lifting Platforms
Wall Timers
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AB Wheels
Functional Fitness
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Prowlers & Dog Sleds
Power Bags
Aqua Bags
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Speed Training Packs
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eBooks & DVDs
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Duraball Swiss Balls
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Gym Equipment
Bumper Plates
Bars & Benches
Kettle Bells
Medicine Balls
Assault Bikes
Squat Racks
Storage Racks
Lifting Platforms
Wall Timers
Exercise Mats
AB Wheels
Functional Fitness
Weighted Vests
Resistance Bands
Plyo Boxes
Prowlers & Dog Sleds
Power Bags
Aqua Bags
Battle Ropes
Strongman Tyres
Gym Rings
Speed Ropes
Sports Performance
Speed & Agility
For Athletes
Speed Testing
Speed Training Packs
Flexibility Testing
Vertical Jump Testing
eBooks & DVDs
Gym Bundles
Space Saving Studio Sets
Resistance Band Sets
Athletic Equipment
Recovery & Mobility
Duraball Swiss Balls
Foam Rollers
Braces and Supports
Cold Therapy
Stretching Straps
First Aid
Marker Cones
Coloured Training Bibs
Kit Bags
Drink Bottles
Active Kids Packs
Christmas Super Sales
Assault Bike
Assault Bike
Bumper Plates
Bumper Plates
Kettle Bells
Kettle Bells
Power Bags
Power Bags
Medicine Balls
Medicine Balls
Resistance Bands | Loop Bands
Resistance Bands | Loop Bands
Prowlers & Dog Sleds
Prowlers & Dog Sleds
Duraball Pro Swiss Balls
Duraball Pro Swiss Balls
Bars & Benches
Bars & Benches
Squat Racks
Squat Racks
Weighted Vests
Weighted Vests
Functional Training
Functional Training
Exercise Mats
Exercise Mats
Aqua Bags
Aqua Bags
Weight Lifting Platforms
Weight Lifting Platforms
Black Friday 2024
30% off
6 Digit Wall Timer
$265.30 NZD
$379.00 NZD
up to 20% off
XLR8 Hex Rubber Dumbbell
$5.60 NZD
$7.00 NZD
24% off
Three Layer Dumbell Rack
$499.00 NZD
$659.00 NZD
up to 30% off
XLR8 Black Bumper Plates
$20.65 NZD
$29.50 NZD
35% off
XLR8 Flat Bench
$211.25 NZD
$325.00 NZD
35% off
XLR8 Adjustable Bench
$311.35 NZD
$479.00 NZD
up to 20% off
XLR8 Competition Kettle Bells
$52.00 NZD
$65.00 NZD
up to 25% off
XLR8 Gravity Cast Kettle Bells
$21.75 NZD
$29.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 3 in 1 Wooden Plyo Box
$159.20 NZD
$199.00 NZD
20% off
Duraball Pro 45cm
$95.20 NZD
$119.00 NZD
30% off
Duraball Pro 55cm
$94.50 NZD
$135.00 NZD
30% off
Duraball Pro 65cm
$108.50 NZD
$155.00 NZD
Sold Out
Duraball Pro 75cm
Sold Out
up to 15% off
XLR8 Power Bags
$67.15 NZD
$79.00 NZD
up to 20% off
Sledge Hammers
$44.00 NZD
$55.00 NZD
30% off
XLR8 Assault Bike
$1,046.50 NZD
$1,495.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Dog Sled
$364.00 NZD
$455.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Prowler
$308.00 NZD
$385.00 NZD
30% off
Wall Mounted 10 Bar Rack (Gun rack)
$125.30 NZD
$179.00 NZD
20% off
9 Bar Holder Vertical Rack
$159.20 NZD
$199.00 NZD
15% off
XLR8 Weighted Vest 20kg
$148.75 NZD
$175.00 NZD
15% off
XLR8 Weighted Vest 30kg
$194.65 NZD
$229.00 NZD
30% off
XLR8 Squat Stand
$346.50 NZD
$495.00 NZD
Sold Out
XLR8 Wall Mounted Fold Away Squat Stand Rig
Sold Out
20% off
Aqua Bag
$143.20 NZD
$179.00 NZD
25% off
XLR8 Weight Lifting Platform
$1,049.25 NZD
$1,399.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Weight Plate Toaster Rack
$176.00 NZD
$220.00 NZD
10% off
Folding Gym Mat
$98.10 NZD
$109.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Battle Rope 10m
$204.00 NZD
$255.00 NZD
13% off
XLR8 Combo Studio Set
$999.00 NZD
$1,157.00 NZD
Sold Out
XLR8 Gravity Caste Kettle Bell Studio Set
Sold Out
Sold Out
XLR8 Competition Kettle Bell Studio Set
Sold Out
25% off
XLR8 Strength Band Level 1 - Purple 1.25cm
$20.25 NZD
$27.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Strength Band Level 2 - Red 1.9cm
$27.20 NZD
$34.00 NZD
Sold Out
XLR8 Strength Band Level 3 - Blue 2.9cm
Sold Out
20% off
XLR8 Strength Band Level 4 - Green 3.3cm
$36.00 NZD
$45.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Gym Rings - ABS
$47.20 NZD
$59.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Gym Rings - Wooden
$79.20 NZD
$99.00 NZD
up to 20% off
XLR8 Dura Grip Textured Slam Ball
$31.76 NZD
$39.70 NZD
up to 20% off
XLR8 Rubber Medicine Balls
$47.20 NZD
$59.00 NZD
up to 26% off
XLR8 Wall Balls
$55.25 NZD
$75.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Battle Rope 15m
$204.00 NZD
$255.00 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Twin Speed Chute
$55.60 NZD
$69.50 NZD
15% off
Flat Base Power Sled
$135.32 NZD
$159.20 NZD
20% off
XLR8 Multi-Coloured Fastfoot Ladder
$71.20 NZD
$89.00 NZD
30% off
XLR8 Power Speed Chute Medium
$24.49 NZD
$34.99 NZD
16% off
XLR8 Power Speed Chute
$49.00 NZD
$59.00 NZD
up to 20% off
XLR8 Power Speed Sled
$180.00 NZD
$225.00 NZD
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